Fall Visitation

Fall Visitation was created to extend invitations to our pipeline programs and pre-college programs throughout Virginia, Maryland, Washington D.C., and North Carolina.
While this program is designed to attract underrepresented high school seniors and/or first-generation students, we welcome the participation of any student who has a potential interest in Virginia Tech. Our program activities are planned using a multicultural perspective though we place special emphasis on First-Generation, African-American, Hispanic, and Native American populations.
Fall Visitation is always coordinated with our Open House event. Similarities exist in the two programs, but they are not the same. At the general information session of Open House, guests get to hear what life at Tech is like, from academics to student life. Please note, Fall Visitation participants should not register for Open House. Attendees will experience Open House on day two of Fall Visitation programming.

What is a "Group Code"?
Fall Visitation is an invitation-only program. Each participating group has received a specific code, which will be provided to you by your group's coordinator. Each group code is unique and is not to be shared. If you have any questions regarding your group code, please ask your group coordinator. Your group coordinator also has the registration link for Fall Visitation. If you register with an incorrect or fraudulent code, your registration will be canceled.

What if I don't have a "Group Code"
...but would still like to participate in Fall Visitation?
While the primary aim of Fall Visitation is to invite students who participate in our pipeline programs and pre-college programs to campus, we often have spots left after those students have registered. If you would like to be considered for one of these spots (if any are available), you are welcome to add your name to the waitlist for September's or November's Fall Visitation by filling out this form. Please note that we will not know if we have spots available until two weeks prior to the event.
Questions about Fall Visitation?
Contact: | admissionsaccess@391774.com
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