War Memorial Court: The names on the Pylons
The Pylons above War Memorial Chapel hold a special place in Hokie hearts.
They are etched with the names of every Virginia Tech student and graduate who died defending our nation’s freedom, beginning with those lost during World War I. At the War Memorial’s center, the cenotaph displays the names of Virginia Tech’s seven Medal of Honor recipients.

Each name is added with a special Pylon Dedication Ceremony conducted by the Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets. During the ceremony, the corps' regiment forms up on Drillfield Drive and on Alumni Mall, facing the War Memorial. The Gregory Guard, the corps' precision rifle drill team, performs a rifle salute, firing three volleys. The Color Guard presents the colors, the Highty-Tighties play, and a bugler performs "Echo Taps."
The Pylons evoke Virginia Tech’s core values. They are , from left to right, Brotherhood, Honor, Leadership, Sacrifice, Service, Loyalty, Duty, and Ut Prosim.
The following is the list of names etched on the Pylons:
Name | Class | Pylon |
Abernethy Jr., J.H. | 1935 | Honor |
Aigner, N.L. | 1939 | Honor |
Albright, J.M. | 1942 | Honor |
Alphin, M.H. | 1943 | Honor |
Anderson, D. | 1945 | Honor |
Anderson, H.C. | 1942 | Honor |
Armstrong, M.J. | 1941 | Honor |
Ayers Jr., E.P. | 1941 | Honor |
Bailey, W.W. | 1935 | Honor |
Baker, M.H. | 1938 | Honor |
Balsley, W.J. | 1938 | Honor |
Banta, J.H. | 1938 | Honor |
Barger, H.T. | 1916 | Brotherhood |
Barnes Jr., S.F. | 1939 | Honor |
Barnes, W.E. | 1944 | Honor |
Barns, W.T. | 1941 | Honor |
Basham, M.L. | 1943 | Honor |
Beamer, C.M. | 1938 | Honor |
Beaumont, C.S. | 1968 | Honor |
Becker, W. | 1946 | Honor |
Belknap, E.A. | 1944 | Honor |
Bell, O.L. | 1945 | Honor |
Bent Jr., P.C. | 1946 | Honor |
Berkeley, J.C. | 1912 | Brotherhood |
Besley, C.E. | 1940 | Honor |
Bevan, R.C. | 1934 | Honor |
Blackmon, A.C. | 1944 | Honor |
Blair Sr., C.E. | 1949 | Honor |
Bodine, A.N. | 1935 | Honor |
Bontecou, P. | 1942 | Honor |
Boxley, J.W. | 1932 | Honor |
Boyd, J.G. | 1941 | Honor |
Bradley, F.L. | 1941 | Honor |
Brantley, T.N. | 2001 | Ut Prosim |
Brauer, S.C. | 1944 | Honor |
Breedon Jr., A.P. | 1943 | Honor |
Brinkley, W.R. | 1941 | Honor |
Brooks Jr., V.A. | 1942 | Honor |
Brooks, F.O. | 1951 | Brotherhood |
Brown Jr., A.G. | 1947 | Honor |
Brown Jr., G.E. | 1952 | Brotherhood |
Brown, C.R. | 1940 | Honor |
Brown, R.C. | 1943 | Brotherhood |
Brown, W.P. | 1950 | Brotherhood |
Buckles, R.L | 1964 | Honor |
Burd, D.G. | 1967 | Honor |
Burr, C.G. | 1935 | Honor |
Butler, R.L. | 1915 | Brotherhood |
Bywaters, W.B. | 1933 | Honor |
Callahan, K.S. | 1943 | Honor |
Cameron, A.B. | 1939 | Honor |
Campbell, A.M. | 1943 | Honor |
Carlier, J.R. | 1944 | Honor |
Carlson, A.V. | 1921 | Brotherhood |
Carter, E.C. | 1946 | Honor |
Carter, H.M. | 1939 | Honor |
Chapman Jr., C.H. | 1940 | Honor |
Chapman Jr., H.P. | 1940 | Honor |
Charles, R.G. | 1939 | Honor |
Chiswell, T.H. | 1943 | Leadership |
Clark, C.R. | 1944 | Leadership |
Clary Jr., W.R. | 1946 | Leadership |
Clemmer, J.F. | 1920 | Brotherhood |
Clowers, J.G. | 2003 | Ut Prosim |
Cobb, P.F. | 1966 | Honor |
Cobbs, J.L. | 1953 | Brotherhood |
Cochran, A.T. | 1945 | Brotherhood |
Cohen, B. | 1936 | Leadership |
Colvin, R.W. | 1942 | Leadership |
Cone, R.M. | 1928 | Leadership |
Conley, R.H. | 1946 | Leadership |
Connell, J.A. | 1966 | Honor |
Conner, H.W. | 1939 | Leadership |
Conner, J.B. | 1922 | Brotherhood |
Conradi, A.M. | 1939 | Leadership |
Covey, D.G. | 1946 | Leadership |
Covington, W.R. | 1946 | Leadership |
Cox, J.A. | 1938 | Leadership |
Cox, R.A. | 1943 | Leadership |
Crabtree, R.A. | 1956 | Honor |
Crawford, J.G. | 1928 | Leadership |
Creekmur, T.C. | 1945 | Leadership |
Crow Jr., R.J.H. | 1939 | Leadership |
Cubberly, G.E. | 1932 | Leadership |
Cudlipp, J.M. | 1912 | Brotherhood |
Darden, A.S. | 1922 | Brotherhood |
Davis Jr., B.F. | 1938 | Leadership |
Davis, S.L. | 1945 | Leadership |
Davis, W.B. | 1938 | Leadership |
Davis, W.C. | 1944 | Leadership |
Day, C.C. | 1941 | Leadership |
Dean, W.L | 1944 | Leadership |
Deitrick Jr., V.S. | 1933 | Brotherhood |
Delp, C.D. | 1941 | Leadership |
Deming, T.R. | 1941 | Leadership |
DeModena, R. | 1946 | Leadership |
Derflinger, J.R. | 1940 | Leadership |
DeWitt, J.T. | 1939 | Leadership |
Diggs, D.W. | 1944 | Leadership |
Dillon, J.J. | 1945 | Leadership |
Dinsmore, R.S. | 1945 | Leadership |
Dodson Jr., N.O. | 1941 | Leadership |
Dollins, R.W. | 1939 | Leadership |
Doss Jr., L.J. | 1970 | Honor |
Dotson, B.F. | 1944 | Leadership |
Dotson, R.S. | 1944 | Leadership |
Downey, W.B. | 1941 | Leadership |
Downing, J.H. | 1939 | Leadership |
Drinkard, D.L. | 1951 | Brotherhood |
Drinkard, P.B. | 1933 | Leadership |
Duncan, G.A. | 1928 | Leadership |
Duncan, P.H. | 1931 | Leadership |
Dunham, B.J. | 1970 | Honor |
Dunkelberger Jr., T.W. | 1943 | Leadership |
East, H.B. | 1958 | Honor |
Echols, E.W. | 1922 | Brotherhood |
Eckhart, Z.R. | 2007 | Ut Prosim |
Edmunds, R.C. | 1964 | Honor |
Edney, L.N. | 1964 | Honor |
Edwards, C.W. | 1941 | Leadership |
Einstein, H.B. | 1927 | Leadership |
Emory, C.R. | 1965 | Honor |
Etheridge, W.E. | 1941 | Leadership |
Evans Jr., J.R. | 1939 | Leadership |
Fairbairn, S.H. | 1943 | Leadership |
Faris, J.R. | 1932 | Sacrifice |
Farrier Jr., K.H. | 1946 | Brotherhood |
Farrow, N.H. | 1944 | Sacrifice |
Fazel Jr., C.S. | 1943 | Sacrifice |
Femoyer, R.E. | 1944 | Sacrifice |
Fish, S.W. | 1945 | Sacrifice |
Fitzgerald, W.F. | 1943 | Sacrifice |
Fletcher, C.W. | 1951 | Brotherhood |
France, J.W. | 1915 | Brotherhood |
Frankfort, W.E. | 1944 | Sacrifice |
Fry, A.D. | 1944 | Sacrifice |
Gates Jr., L.A. | 1946 | Sacrifice |
Gatling Jr., L.T. | 1936 | Sacrifice |
George Jr., P.E. | 1946 | Sacrifice |
Gibson Jr., J.N. | 1938 | Sacrifice |
Giddings, A.H. | 1966 | Honor |
Glover Jr., J.A. | 1945 | Sacrifice |
Gordon Jr., J.S. | 1940 | Sacrifice |
Gouldin, R.A. | 1933 | Sacrifice |
Gray III, D.T. | 1965 | Honor |
Green, J.D. | 1934 | Sacrifice |
Gregory, J.A. | 1947 | Sacrifice |
Greig, T. | 1936 | Sacrifice |
Grettum, R.B. | 1939 | Sacrifice |
Grinnan, D.T. | 1938 | Sacrifice |
Grubb, H.E. | 1939 | Sacrifice |
Hall Jr., E.G. | 1942 | Sacrifice |
Hall, G.B. | 1938 | Sacrifice |
Hamilton, W.I.K. | 1962 | Honor |
Hammond Jr., L. | 1940 | Sacrifice |
Hanmer, R.A. | 1942 | Sacrifice |
Harley, G.W. | 1944 | Sacrifice |
Harley, L.D. | 1961 | Honor |
Harman Jr., W.D. | 1943 | Sacrifice |
Harp Jr., C.N. | 1944 | Sacrifice |
Harris Jr., J.J | 1944 | Sacrifice |
Harris, C.R. | 1942 | Sacrifice |
Harris, G.B. | 1943 | Sacrifice |
Hartman, A.L. | 1936 | Sacrifice |
Harverty Jr., P.H. | 1943 | Sacrifice |
Harvey, A.R. | 1915 | Brotherhood |
Haskett Jr., W.T. | 1942 | Brotherhood |
Haskett, J.W. | 1936 | Sacrifice |
Hatcher, H.F. | 1946 | Sacrifice |
Hawkins Jr., L.R. | 1945 | Brotherhood |
Hawkins, W.E. | 1971 | Honor |
Hawks Jr., B.B. | 1941 | Service |
Hayley, C. | 1944 | Sacrifice |
Hearn, M. | 1940 | Sacrifice |
Hearst Jr., E.H. | 1946 | Sacrifice |
Henkel, E.D. | 1938 | Sacrifice |
Henley, R.R. | 1943 | Sacrifice |
Herman, R. | 1966 | Honor |
Hickman, N.A. | 1918 | Brotherhood |
Higgins, W.A. | 1945 | Brotherhood |
Hill, J.E. | 1968 | Honor |
Hill, W.E. | 1946 | Sacrifice |
Hite, E.G. | 1933 | Brotherhood |
Hodges III, T.A. | 1938 | Sacrifice |
Holcomb, J.R. | 1945 | Sacrifice |
Holland, L.G.S. | 1944 | Sacrifice |
Hoover, F.F. | 1946 | Service |
Hornett, M.A. | 1946 | Service |
Howard, J.L. | 1945 | Service |
Howell, T.H. | 1943 | Service |
Hukill, M.E. | 1981 | Ut Prosim |
Hummel, R.B. | 1937 | Service |
Hunter Jr., R. | 1946 | Service |
Hurst, N.R. | 1952 | Honor |
Hutcheson, R.P. | 1944 | Service |
Hutchison Jr., E.B. | 1942 | Service |
Ingles, J.T. | 1944 | Service |
Irby, F.M. | 1941 | Service |
Irving, E.J. | 1940 | Service |
Jackson, P.A. | 1941 | Service |
Jagiello, J.A. | 1946 | Brotherhood |
Jenkins Jr., A.G. | 1942 | Service |
Johnson, R.D. | 1963 | Honor |
Jones, E.A. | 1943 | Service |
Jones, G.W. | 1949 | Brotherhood |
Jones, J.A. | 1915 | Brotherhood |
Jones, W.K. | 1944 | Service |
Jordan Jr, F.H. | 1938 | Service |
Karr, J.P. | 1969 | Honor |
Kaylor, J.J. | 2001 | Ut Prosim |
Keck, J.B. | 1961 | Honor |
Kelley Jr., J.J. | 1943 | Service |
Kelly, J.R. | 1965 | Honor |
Kelsch Jr., W.L. | 1932 | Service |
Kelsey Jr., P. | 1941 | Service |
Kelsey, R.V. | 1944 | Service |
Kesterson, C.R. | 1958 | Honor |
Kidd, R.O. | 1939 | Service |
King, B.D. | 1944 | Service |
King, J.S. | 1942 | Service |
Koslow Jr., W.J. | 1943 | Service |
Kraines, P.A. | 2010 | Ut Prosim |
Kreis, W.W. | 1937 | Service |
Kringel Jr., P.F. | 1946 | Service |
Lacy Jr., E.C. | 1940 | Service |
Lake, M. | 1909 | Brotherhood |
Lambert, C.B. | 1914 | Brotherhood |
Lapham, H. | 1940 | Service |
Larimer, C.H. | 1939 | Service |
Layman, C.W. | 1947 | Service |
Leap, C.H. | 1938 | Service |
Lester Jr., H.C. | 1946 | Service |
Lewis, F.L. | 1965 | Honor |
Linkous, C.E. | 1942 | Service |
Linton Jr., H.G. | 1945 | Service |
Love Jr., J.T. | 1940 | Service |
Lowe Jr., J.A. | 1943 | Brotherhood |
Lucas Jr., C.W. | 1945 | Service |
Lutz Jr., F.E. | 1938 | Service |
MacLeod, D.A. | 1948 | Brotherhood |
Manns Jr., M.N. | 1990 | Ut Prosim |
Manuel Jr., J.S. | 1968 | Honor |
Marean, N.H. | 1937 | Service |
Marsh, C.R. | 1945 | Service |
Marsh, L.R. | 1938 | Service |
Mason, N.C. | 2006 | Ut Prosim |
Matthews Jr., L.P. | 1939 | Loyalty |
McCahill, H.K. | 1941 | Service |
McClanahan Jr., H.C. | 1948 | Brotherhood |
McCray Jr., R.J. | 1943 | Service |
McGhee, G.W. | 1970 | Honor |
McKenzie, B. | 1944 | Service |
McKesson, E.L. | 1941 | Service |
McMakin, B.L. | 1935 | Service |
McPhail, W.W. | 1942 | Service |
Meeks, G.E. | 1940 | Loyalty |
Meeks, S.H. | 1943 | Loyalty |
Michael, A.F. | 1943 | Loyalty |
Miller, E.P. | 1939 | Brotherhood |
Mills Jr., C.P. | 1949 | Brotherhood |
Minsker, H.C. | 1937 | Loyalty |
Mitchell, D.S. | 2001 | Ut Prosim |
Mitchell, S.J. | 2018 | Ut Prosim |
Moffett, C.S. | 1939 | Loyalty |
Montague, W.G. | 1943 | Loyalty |
Monteith Jr., J.W. | 1941 | Loyalty |
Moore, A.B. | 1916 | Brotherhood |
Moore, A.M. | 1932 | Loyalty |
Moore, H.M. | 1939 | Loyalty |
Moore, S.B. | 1915 | Brotherhood |
Moss, H.G. | 1946 | Loyalty |
Munden Jr., H.G. | 1945 | Loyalty |
Murphey Jr., D.W. | 1964 | Honor |
Murray Jr., P.W. | 1946 | Loyalty |
Murry, S.W. | 1916 | Brotherhood |
Musgrove, R.R. | 1932 | Brotherhood |
Myers, B.A. | 1939 | Loyalty |
Myers, I.B. | 1946 | Loyalty |
Nelson, J.C. | 1944 | Loyalty |
Nelson, W.C. | 1947 | Loyalty |
Nichols, H.A. | 1935 | Loyalty |
Nickerson, F.G. | 1942 | Loyalty |
Nunnally, R.W. | 1945 | Loyalty |
Nyren, N.J. | 1995 | Ut Prosim |
O'Connor, R.G. | 1938 | Loyalty |
O'Keeffe, J.F. | 1943 | Loyalty |
Oliver, W.R. | 1942 | Loyalty |
Orchard Jr., G.H. | 1935 | Loyalty |
Pace, C.A. | 1940 | Loyalty |
Palm, T.A. | 1967 | Honor |
Palmer Jr., N.F. | 1946 | Loyalty |
Palmer Jr., P.C. | 1940 | Loyalty |
Palmer, J.F. | 1940 | Brotherhood |
Parr, J.L. | 1942 | Loyalty |
Patton, W.P. | 1943 | Loyalty |
Payne Jr., G.H. | 1945 | Loyalty |
Pfohl, C.T. | 1944 | Loyalty |
Phillips Jr., J.L. | 1931 | Loyalty |
Phillips, E.L. | 1920 | Brotherhood |
Pierce Jr., J.R. | 1942 | Loyalty |
Pierpont, G.H. | 1940 | Loyalty |
Pittard, G. | 1920 | brotherhood |
Pittman, H.O. | 1946 | Loyalty |
Plunkett, G.W. | 1966 | Honor |
Pollard, A.C. | 1962 | Honor |
Porterfield, A.R. | 1938 | Loyalty |
Powell Jr., R.C. | 1936 | Loyalty |
Prance, W.C. | 1939 | Loyalty |
Preston, J.W. | 1947 | Loyalty |
Price, T.E. | 2001 | Ut Prosim |
Pruhs, R.L. | 1968 | Honor |
Purdum III, L.W. | 1949 | Brotherhood |
Quarles Jr., R.E. | 1946 | Loyalty |
Quinn, E.T. | 1944 | Loyalty |
Rainier, J.K. | 1935 | Loyalty |
Ramsey, D.L. | 1943 | Loyalty |
Raup, R.W. | 1941 | Loyalty |
Reese, W.L. | 1945 | Loyalty |
Renick Jr., D.C. | 1942 | Loyalty |
Rennie, R.C. | 1946 | Duty |
Reynolds, E.B. | 1941 | Duty |
Riggle, L.R. | 1944 | Duty |
Ritchie Jr., S.B. | 1941 | Duty |
Robb, R.K. | 1945 | Duty |
Roesler, H.S. | 1939 | Duty |
Rubin, C.M. | 1941 | Duty |
Rubincam, V.G. | 1940 | Duty |
Rush Jr., H.S. | 1940 | Duty |
Russell, R.D. | 1941 | Duty |
Sanford Jr., R.L. | 1945 | Duty |
Saunders Jr., W.D. | 1923 | Duty |
Saunders, R.K. | 1946 | Duty |
Saville Jr., H.L. | 1942 | Duty |
Schenk, J.B. | 1940 | Duty |
Schmidt, R.C. | 1945 | Duty |
Schott, R.W. | 1944 | Duty |
Shaner, V.C. | 1926 | Duty |
Shannon, K.A. | 1961 | Honor |
Sharitz Jr., T.J.B. | 1932 | Duty |
Shea Jr., R.T. | 1948 | Brotherhood |
Sheets, E.H. | 1946 | Duty |
Sheffield Jr., C.E. | 1943 | Duty |
Sheffler, L.W. | 1940 | Duty |
Shipley, J.W. | 1936 | Duty |
Shrader, H.A. | 1951 | Brotherhood |
Shrik, F.K. | 1936 | Duty |
Shure, I.I. | 1931 | Duty |
Silcox, H.J. | 1941 | Duty |
Simonson, C.W. | 1946 | Duty |
Sisson, W.D. | 1940 | Duty |
Skeen, J.M. | 1937 | Duty |
Skelton, C.W. | 1944 | Duty |
Sloop, W.L. | 1967 | Honor |
Slusher, J.D. | 1939 | Duty |
Smith, J.W. | 1972 | Honor |
Smith, R.W. | 1921 | Brotherhood |
Spatz, S.S. | 1946 | Duty |
Spearman, D.G. | 1961 | Honor |
Spencer Jr., R.H. | 1941 | Duty |
Stailey, J.T. | 1946 | Duty |
Stainback, J.M. | 1941 | Brotherhood |
Sullivan, J.J. | 1962 | Honor |
Stanley Jr., R.I. | 1943 | Duty |
Stephenson, C.M. | 1945 | Duty |
Stone, G.E. | 1953 | Honor |
Stone, W.L. | 1940 | Duty |
Sutherland, B.C. | 1945 | Duty |
Sutton Jr., L.C. | 1945 | Duty |
Tarpley, C.B. | 1946 | Duty |
Taylor Jr., J.S. | 1922 | Duty |
Taylor, W.B. | 1940 | Duty |
Tenney Jr., C.H. | 1946 | Duty |
Terry Jr., G.W. | 1942 | Duty |
Thomas Jr., W.H. | 1944 | Duty |
Thomas, H.J. | 1941 | Duty |
Thompson Jr., J.H. | 1943 | Ut Prosim |
Thompson, S.N. | 1933 | Ut Prosim |
Tichy, E.R. | 1945 | Ut Prosim |
Tilden, W.T. | 1946 | Ut Prosim |
Tillar III, D.P. | 1988 | Ut Prosim |
Tirpak, J.A. | 1938 | Ut Prosim |
Tomko, J.H. | 1943 | Ut Prosim |
Trent Jr., G.L. | 1933 | Ut Prosim |
Triplett III, P.J. | 1943 | Ut Prosim |
Tullidge III, G.B. | 1945 | Ut Prosim |
Unsworth Jr., J.S. | 1947 | Ut Prosim |
Vaughan Jr., H.C. | 1943 | Ut Prosim |
Vernon, O.R. | 1938 | Ut Prosim |
Vick, E.R. | 1940 | Ut Prosim |
Vogel, J.R. | 1946 | Ut Prosim |
Walker, R.P. | 1935 | Ut Prosim |
Ware Jr., R.B. | 1937 | Ut Prosim |
Warriner, G.D. | 1941 | Ut Prosim |
Warwick Jr., W.B. | 1949 | Brotherhood |
Waterman Jr., J.M. | 1942 | Ut Prosim |
Wayland, C.A. | 1922 | Brotherhood |
Weaver Jr., W.S. | 1946 | Ut Prosim |
Weaver, C.L. | 2002 | Ut Prosim |
Weaver, E.M. | 1945 | Ut Prosim |
Webb III, W.W. | 1964 | Honor |
Webb, A.E. | 1922 | Brotherhood |
Webb, J.L. | 1943 | Ut Prosim |
Webb, T.W. | 1968 | Honor |
Welch, W.C. | 1945 | Ut Prosim |
Whaley, A.B. | 1946 | Ut Prosim |
Wharton Jr., T.S. | 1945 | Ut Prosim |
Wheeler, E.A. | 1942 | Ut Prosim |
White, M.F. | 1961 | Honor |
White, W.C. | 1938 | Ut Prosim |
Whitley, C.V. | 1943 | Ut Prosim |
Whitmore II, G.D. | 1968 | Honor |
Widener, R.W. | 1936 | Ut Prosim |
Wiegel, C.W. | 1919 | Brotherhood |
Willey, B.M. | 1952 | Honor |
Williams, B.N. | 1950 | Brotherhood |
Williams, G.S. | 1938 | Ut Prosim |
Williams, H.C. | 1909 | Brotherhood |
Williams, J.G. | 1941 | Ut Prosim |
Williams, J.P. | 1942 | Ut Prosim |
Williams, L.W. | 1907 | Brotherhood |
Wilson Jr., J.A. | 1950 | Brotherhood |
Wilson, J.A. | 1939 | Ut Prosim |
Wince, W.E. | 1942 | Ut Prosim |
Wingfield, W.H. | 1944 | Ut Prosim |
Winston, E.L. | 1942 | Ut Prosim |
Witcher, V.B. | 1943 | Ut Prosim |
Womack Jr., H.A. | 1943 | Ut Prosim |
Wood, J.D. | 1935 | Ut Prosim |
Wood, N.S. | 1939 | Ut Prosim |
Woodelton, K.A.N. | 1943 | Ut Prosim |
Woodson, L.F. | 1931 | Ut Prosim |
Wooldridge, J.P. | 1944 | Ut Prosim |
Worsham Jr., J.P. | 1942 | Ut Prosim |
Wortman Jr., S.F. | 1940 | Ut Prosim |
Yeates Jr., A.B. | 1936 | Ut Prosim |
Yeatts, F.L. | 1931 | Ut Prosim |
Yowell, R.W. | 1940 | Ut Prosim |
Zimmerman, H.P. | 1947 | Ut Prosim |
About the Corps of Cadets
Virginia Tech is one of two colleges in the country to offer a military program embedded within a larger civilian university.