Give to FST

Make an Impact
When you give to FST, you're making a direct impact on our students and faculty. All gifts we receive help fund our student groups, scholarships, classroom renovations, study abroad programs, lab equipment, and more:
- A $25 gift supports our Student Product Development Team by funding their travel to product development competitions all over the country.
- A $100 gift helps purchase new equipment so our undergraduates can get the hands-on experience that makes FST students so sought-after by food industry employers.
- A $1000 gift funds a travel scholarship that will allow students to participate in our Practical and Theoretical Brewing Exchange, which offers them the opportunity to study the ancient art of brewing at the oldest brewery in the world in Freising, Germany.
A Quality Food Science Education
We strive to provide each student with a quality education that not only instills in them the knowledge and practices necessary to be a food scientist, but also prepares them for modern career success in industry, government, and academia. Food science is a rapidly evolving field, and gifts to the department help us achieve this by ensuring we have the latest equipment, up to date facilities, and cutting-edge research opportunities.
Preparing Students for the Real World
As one of the departments piloting Virginia Tech's Bridge Experience Program, it is core to our educational philosophy that students put into practice what they learn. Material learned in a classroom is material only half-understood, which is why we place such an emphasis on hands-on learning opportunities. Gifts to FST help us send students to food businesses, fund our study abroad programs, and bring visitors to campus to recruit for internships.
Scholarships for Those Who Need Them
We believe that all students deserve the same quality education and opportunities. Gifts made to the department help us provide scholarships for students whose financial needs might otherwise prevent them from participating in study abroad programs, undergraduate research, or food science competitions. Your support helps us fund travel for the Product Development Team to attend competitions, study abroad scholarships, research scholarships, and more.
It's our devotion to 'learning by doing' that makes FST graduates so sought after, and the support of our amazing alumni, parents, friends, and industry partners helps us achieve this level of quality education by funding scholarships, study abroad programs, facilities equipment and renovations, travel to food businesses, and student groups. So, thank you for your generosity!
Renee Boyer
Department Head, Department of Food Science and Technology